Publishing dual module ESM libraries

16 min read

Recently I've been looking into moving to ES modules for my libraries and wanted to do it in a way that doesn't break existing users. But it's tricky - and took a lot of trial and error. In this post, I'll share my findings.

ESM and CommonJS

ES modules (ESM) are the official standard module system in JavaScript. They are supported in modern browsers and Node.js, as well as by most bundlers. They are defined by the import and export keywords:

// Importing an ES module
import { foo } from './module.js';
// Exporting from an ES module
export default function bar() {
  return foo;

CommonJS modules (CJS) are the module system that has been traditionally used in Node.js, but also adopted by most tools and bundlers. They are defined by the require function and the module.exports object:

// Importing a CommonJS module
const { foo } = require('./module.js');
// Exporting from a CommonJS module
module.exports = function bar() {
  return foo;

So depending on the environment, we'd need to use the appropriate module system.

Why dual module libraries?

When publishing a library written with ES modules, we may want to provide both ESM and CommonJS modules. This can be necessary for a couple of reasons:

  1. Some tools or environments may not support ES modules yet, so providing a CommonJS version can be useful.
  2. Node.js code written with CommonJS modules can only import ESM code asynchronously with dynamic import syntax (synchronous require is available for Node.js 22 behind a flag: --experimental-require-module as of August 2024), so providing a CommonJS version is necessary for synchronous usage.

Essentially, providing both ESM and CommonJS modules is a way to move to ESM without a breaking change.

And of course, if you don't need to support CommonJS environments, you can publish your library as an ESM-only package which is much simpler.


Synchronous require for ESM is now unflagged in Node.js 22 and in the process of being backported to Node.js 20. So if you're targeting Node.js 20 or later, consumers still using CommonJS can seamlessly use your library without needing to publish a dual module setup.

Entry points in package.json

The package.json can contain various fields that point to the file that should be loaded when the package is imported or required.

The most common fields are:

In addition, if you're writing client-side code, you may have come across the following fields:

When writing dual modules, we'd want to use the exports field to specify both ESM and CommonJS entry points, while also providing the main and module fields for backwards compatibility.

The exports field in package.json

The exports field in package.json allows specifying multiple entry points for different environments conditionally. It can be used to specify ESM and CommonJS entry points for dual module libraries.

Here we'll cover the 2 most common cases. You can find more information in the official Node.js documentation for entry points.

Conditional exports

The exports field specifies conditions for different environments. Think of it like an if-else statement - the module resolution goes through each of the conditions one by one and uses the first one that matches.

A basic example of exports field would be:

  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": "./esm/index.js",
      "require": "./cjs/index.js"

Here, the condition is as follows:

In addition, the conditions can also specify a default for the fallback, which is used if none of the conditions match:

  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "browser": "./dist/browser.js",
      "react-native": "./dist/react-native.js",
      "default": "./dist/index.js"

In the above example, the condition is as follows:

What conditions are available depends on the environment and the tooling used for module resolution.

The order of the conditions is important. Multiple conditions may match, e.g. if we have the conditions node and require - both would match when the package is required in Node.js. In this case, the first condition that matches is used:

// This is not correct
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "require": "./cjs/index-node.js",
      "node": "./esm/index-node.js"

In the above example, the require condition would always match first, so the node condition would never be used. The correct order would be:

  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "node": "./esm/index-node.js",
      "require": "./cjs/index-node.js"

It is recommended to use the most specific conditions first, and the most general conditions last.

The conditions can also be nested. For example:

  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "node": {
        "import": "./esm/index-node.js",
        "require": "./cjs/index-node.js"
      "default": "./esm/index.js"

This can be useful if you want to have more specific conditions for certain environments.

Subpath exports

When the exports field is defined, it's no longer possible import a subpath of the package directly. For example, if we have the following exports field:

  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": "./esm/index.js",
      "require": "./cjs/index.js"

We can't import or require a subpath of the package directly:

// This would not work

Similar to how . points to the main entry point, subpaths can also be specified in the exports field:

  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": "./esm/index.js",
      "require": "./cjs/index.js"
    "./foo.js": {
      "import": "./esm/foo.js",
      "require": "./cjs/foo.js"

This will now allow importing or requiring my-package/foo.js.

Ambiguity in ESM and CommonJS

CommonJS and ESM have different semantics, with different sets of features and limitations. This means that we need to be explicit about which module system we're using.

There are a few ways to specify the module system:

The type field in package.json

The type field in package.json can be used to specify the module system used by the package in Node.js. The value can be either module for ESM or commonjs for CommonJS:

  "type": "module"

When the type field is set to module, all .js files in the package are treated as ESM files. When the type field is set to commonjs, all .js files are treated as CommonJS files.

By default, the type field is assumed to be commonjs if not specified.

File extension

The file extension can also be used to specify the module system in Node.js:

Regardless of the type field, files with the .mjs extension are always treated as ESM files, and files with the .cjs extension are always treated as CommonJS files in Node.js.

Script tag type attribute

In the browser, the module system is determined by the type attribute in the script tag:

<script type="module" src="module.js"></script>

When the type attribute is set to module, the file is treated as an ESM file. When the type attribute is not specified or set to text/javascript, the file is treated as a CommonJS file.

Unlike Node.js, the file extension does not determine the module system in the browser, and browsers don't read the package.json file.

Explicit file extensions

Unlike CommonJS modules, ES modules in Node.js require explicit file extensions in import/export statements:

import { foo } from './module.js';

While explicit file extensions are not required in browsers - as the import specifier is a URL and the server can be configured to serve the correct file, it can still be simpler to use file extensions to avoid additional logic on the server.


There are 2 main approaches to publishing dual module libraries:

ES module wrapper with CommonJS code

This is the simplest approach. You write your library in CommonJS and create an ESM wrapper around it. The ESM wrapper imports the CommonJS code and re-exports it:

// Import the CommonJS module
import myModule from './my-module.js';
// Export the individual exports from the CommonJS module
export const foo =;
export const bar =;

Then in your package.json, you'd specify the exports field to point to the ESM wrapper for ESM environments and the CommonJS module for CommonJS environments, as well as fallbacks with main and module fields:

  "type": "commonjs",
  "main": "./my-module.js",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": "./esm-wrapper.mjs",
      "require": "./my-module.js"

This avoids the need to refactor your code to ESM.

However, this approach has a few downsides:

Separate ESM and CommonJS builds

This approach involves writing your library in ESM and CommonJS separately - or more commonly, authoring in ESM and using tooling to generate the CommonJS build.

Then in your package.json, you'd specify the exports field to point to the ES module for ESM environments and the CommonJS module for CommonJS environments, as well as fallbacks with main and module fields:

  "main": "./cjs/index.cjs",
  "module": "./esm/index.mjs",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": "./esm/index.mjs",
      "require": "./cjs/index.cjs"

This approach has the benefit of allowing you to write your code in ESM and get the benefits of ESM like tree-shaking with bundlers. But it also increases complexity in the build process.

When following this approach, you may encounter a few issues:

Dual package hazard

With this approach, the ESM and CommonJS versions of the package are treated as separate modules by Node.js as they are different files, leading to potential issues if the package is both imported and required in the same runtime environment.

If the package relies on any state that can cause issues if 2 separate instances are loaded, it's necessary to isolate the state into a separate CommonJS module that can be shared between the ESM and CommonJS builds.

This is not an issue if it's safe to have 2 separate instances of the package loaded in the same environment, which is often the case for most libraries.

Mismatched module type

The import and require conditions only tell Node.js which file to load when the package is imported or required, but they don't say which module system is used in the file. So it's possible to specify an ES module in the require condition and a CommonJS module in the import condition, which may not work as expected.

To avoid this footgun, you can do any of the following:

Lack of support for .mjs or .cjs

Since we aim to support older environments that don't support the new ES module system, they may not recognize the .mjs or .cjs file extensions. Most modern tools and bundlers support the .mjs and .cjs file extensions, but they might also differ in how they treat these files. For example, Vite allows importing .mjs files without explicit file extensions, but Metro doesn't.

One way to avoid this issue is to use the .js file extension for both ESM and CommonJS files. But how do we specify the module system in this case? We can't use the type field in the project's package.json as it applies to all .js files. But we can create package.json files with a type field in each of the build folders:

├── esm/
│   ├── index.js
│   └── package.json # { "type": "module" }
└── cjs/
     ├── index.js
     └── package.json # { "type": "commonjs" }

And then in the main package.json, we point to the respective .js files:

  "main": "./cjs/index.js",
  "module": "./esm/index.js",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": "./esm/index.js",
      "require": "./cjs/index.js"

Lack of support for Platform-specific extension

When writing cross-platform code, such as code that supports React Native, we often use platform-specific extensions such as .android.js, .ios.js, .native.js, etc. However, this doesn't work with the explicit file extension requirement in ESM.

For example, let's say we have 2 files: and foo.js, and an import statement: import foo from './foo'. Normally the bundler would resolve for Android and foo.js for other platforms. But in ESM, the file extension is required, so the import statement would need to be import foo from './foo.js' - which would break the platform-specific resolution as now the bundler would always resolve foo.js.

Alternative approaches to handle this would be to:



When writing ES modules in TypeScript, it's necessary to configure the module and moduleResolution options in tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "NodeNext",
    "moduleResolution": "NodeNext"

When the module option is set to NodeNext (or Node16), TypeScript generates ES module syntax in the output. It also requires file extensions in import statements.

File extensions in import statements

When using TypeScript with ES modules, it's necessary to specify the .js file extensions in import statements:

import { foo } from './module.js';

In this case, the authored file module.ts would have the .ts extension and not .js, however, we need to specify the .js extension in the import statement to match the output file extension.

TypeScript has an option: allowImportingTsExtensions: true to write ./module.ts instead of ./module.js in the import statement. It's also possible to specify moduleResolution: 'Bundler' to allow omitting the file extension in the import statement. However, TypeScript compiler doesn't rewrite the imports to add the correct file extension, so unless they are added by another tool, the imports will fail at runtime.

TypeScript also supports .mts and .cts file extensions. When these extensions are used in combination with module: 'NodeNext', TypeScript generates ESM and CommonJS output accordingly. It can be useful if you explicitly want to specify a module system for a file. However, for our setup where we always author ESM and generate 2 builds for ESM and CommonJS, using these extensions will complicate the build process.

Default exports

Default exports in TypeScript can be problematic. Let's consider the following code:

const foo = 42;
export default foo;

This code works in ESM with the following:

import foo from './module.js';
console.log(foo); // 42

However, when the code is compiled to CommonJS, the default export is converted to an object with a default property:

const foo = 42;
exports.default = foo;

So now the import statement would need to be:

const foo = require('./module.js').default;

This can be problematic when writing dual modules, as what we import in ESM is different from what we import in CommonJS. Ideally, we want the following CommonJS output:

const foo = 42;
module.exports = foo;

We can get this output if we change the source code to the following:

const foo = 42;
export = foo;

However, this is not compatible with compiling to ESM.

To workaround this issue, there are a 2 options:

Types in the exports field

When publishing dual module libraries, it's necessary to provide separate declaration files for both ESM and CommonJS modules. Declaration files can be specified using the types condition in the exports field:

  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": {
        "types": "./esm/index.d.mts",
        "default": "./esm/index.mjs"
      "require": {
        "types": "./cjs/index.d.cts",
        "default": "./cjs/index.cjs"

In the above case, either the file extension (.d.mts or .d.cts) or a package.json in each build folder containing a type field can be used to specify the module system.

If we don't have separate declaration files for each module system, it will cause issues:

CommonJS types

If the library's package.json has no type field or type: 'commonjs', the types will be treated as CommonJS types, i.e. types representing a CommonJS build.

This will result in incorrect types when the library is imported with import, as the ESM build will get imported which doesn't match the types. Consider the following example:

export const foo = 42;

Now, when the library is imported, TypeScript will allow the following:

import lib from 'my-library';

This would've worked if the CommonJS build was being used, however, since the ESM build is being used, the above code won't work during runtime as the library doesn't have a default export. The correct code would be:

import { foo } from 'my-library';

ESM types

If the library's package.json has type: 'module', the types will be treated as ESM types, i.e. types representing an ESM build.

In this case, TypeScript will produce an error when the library is imported with require or with import in a project with CommonJS output, as the CommonJS build will get imported which doesn't match the types:

The current file is a CommonJS module whose imports will produce 'require' calls;
however, the referenced file is an ECMAScript module and cannot be imported with 'require'.
Consider writing a dynamic 'import("my-library")' call instead.
To convert this file to an ECMAScript module, create a local package.json file with `{ "type": "module" }`.

This happens because it's currently not possible to import ESM modules synchronously from CommonJS modules in Node.js. However, we're using the CommonJS build during runtime, so this error is incorrect.

Useful tools

Writing dual module libraries can be complex, so here are some tools that can help:

Wrapping up

Writing dual module libraries has a lot of nuances and can be tricky. And some of the problems can take a lot of work to solve.

Here are my recommendations:

A typical package.json for such a setup would look like this:

  "main": "./cjs/index.js",
  "module": "./esm/index.js",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": {
        "types": "./esm/index.d.ts",
        "default": "./esm/index.js"
      "require": {
        "types": "./cjs/index.d.ts",
        "default": "./cjs/index.js"

In this setup:

This should cover most of the issues you might encounter when writing dual module libraries. Unfortunately, you may still run into some edge cases in more specialized setups, but hopefully, this post has given you a good starting point.